Official statements

Statement by Anar Alizade in response to the article in the French publication “Libération” and some others implicating him.

I categorically reject the unfounded and outrageous allegations levelled against me by the French publication “Libération”, according to which I

Statement on some recently published defamatory publications

Dear Readers, I hope you are well and safe in such difficult times. Like many of you I’m locked down

Statement by Anar Alizade in response to the article published by Italian “L’espresso” magazine

It has been some time since my name last appeared in any speculative publications. I believe that this has been

SOCAR provides well-deserved response to Global Witness allegations

Dear Readers, Hereby, I would like to draw your attention to SOCAR’s new website which provides its clear response

Statement in response to another provocative article by “Azadliq Radiosu” (“Radio Free Europe”)

Dear Readers, As always Radio Free Europe (“Azadliq Radiosu”) came up with a new provocative and biased article under the

Fitting reply by renowned world analysts to the fake experts

Dear Reader! Hereby, I would like to summarize the exposure of implausible defamatory information appeared about me and “SOCAR Trading”

Clearing up Global Witness’ accusations

Hello Internet, how are you? I’m sorry that my first blog post is on the negative-side of things, but I