‘Baku Business Factory’ business incubation center, founded by me in May of last year, continues operating by improving business skills of young people. Thus, the next step in achieving this goal is to start organizing business-oriented seminars on a regular basis for young initiators in the center. Considering these seminars’ significance in educating young people and their serious interest in seminars, we have made these events open not only for BBF member startups and freelancers, but for all young people…
According to our research and basing on BBF’s own experience, I can say that one of the major problems which young people face while setting up a business is law and accounting problems. If a person, who is taking his first steps in business, opens up a special vacancy in order to overcome these problems, it may cause some financial difficulties.
Moreover, if an entrepreneur has some legal knowledge, it will help him avoid problems that may arise in the future. Today every step taken to start a business has the potential to turn into a big taxpayer in the future. While starting their own businesses using opportunities provided for them by our country, our young friends should be aware of legislative requirements defined by the government and learn proper ways of obeying them.
Considering all the necessary factors, last week we organized a seminar on ‘Startup and Tax Regulation’, the high interest in which not only made me happy but also proved that we were right in this issue. Due to this reason we have decided to organize seminars on law on a regular basis and provide our young initiators with all legal and accounting details, which are necessary for starting a business and managing it. Let me remind you, that ‘Baku Business Factory’ (BBF) business incubation center was established by me in May, 2015 in order to support business initiatives of young people and develop their business skills. Currently, 17 different business projects operate in the center.
For further information you may use BBF’s official website (www.bbf.az).